Laugh. Laugh long and hard and often.

It is the best medicine.


It’s Your Turn

The object of writing My Bert Has Alzheimer’s is to share a story that may help others on the same path. It is also a ‘pay it forward’ initiative.

There is an oft used phrase that should be the caregivers motto: You cannot pour from an empty cup.

As caregivers we are so focussed on the needs of our loved ones that often we forget our own needs.

We are a selfless caring group of people. I invite you to share your self care tips because you care.

We can learn so much from each other!


An Invitation

To Share Is To Care

What do you do to take care of yourself?

Where do you go for inspiration?

Do you have a self care tip?

Whatever you share will find a place on this site.

As I continue to learn I will share here, in the blog, and wherever I can.